Thursday, February 28, 2008

2 Heterosexual Males Seek Life Coach To Teach Them To Be More Dynamic...(will be paid in alcohol & tattoos)

While David was trying to numb a toothache with pints of lager & whiskey we both came to the conclusion that we need life coaches. I'm 33 & he's 35 & neither of us know how to do anything. I know a little about what I want but abso-fuckin-lutely nothing about how to acquire it. I'm not an idiot. I can pay my bills, dress myself & get to work on time but when it comes to adult things like getting insurance, buying a house, investing wisely I'm more confused than me trying to figure out a witty metaphor to finish this sentence. I was totally unprepared to figure out interest rates or when to refinance, when to buy when to sell. I mean what is this shit? I want somebody I can trust to tell me who to hand my money to so I can get what I need because thats all I understand. This is why I work behind a bar, you give me money , I give you alcohol, just leave at 2:00...


Bill said...

Hi Liam,

You are in luck.

Dick Sturgeon, Life Coach and you two will make a great fit. You can view a video about him at

As you can see from the video he has high standards about appointments and such.

Enjoy your coaching.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic video thank you very much. you are really good..

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